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Frequently asked questions

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My employees already receive their payslips via email, why do I need payslips via Jem?

We have many clients that used to deliver payslips using email but were having numerous problems with this. 

  • Employees were forgetting their user names and passwords.
  • Employees would attempt their password 3 times and get blocked from the system.
  • Email payslips were bouncing or being sent to their junk folder.

Due to these issues, employees would have countless payslip queries per month. Jem  eradicates all of these issues using WhatsApp as the channel for delivery. 

My employees already receive their payslips via SMS, why do I need payslips via Jem? We have many clients that used to deliver payslips using SMS but were having trouble tracking if employees were receiving their payslips or not. This is because employees were changing their cellphone numbers regularly. Further, payslips over SMS alone cannot be delivered in a BCEA compliant format. 

Jem offers a reporting module so you can track when an employee has received or read any form of communication (including their payslip). When an employee changes their number, they simply message the Jem WhatsApp chatbot using the new number, and re-authenticate. Our system will update their number automatically. Jem is also BCEA compliant.
Can I implement Jem payslips whilst migrating payrolls? Yes, absolutely. Jem works with all payroll systems as a simple-add on feature. We simply make payslips available to your employees via WhatsApp with no changes to your existing payroll system.
What is the onboarding process with Jem? How long does it take to get set up? Once we have a signed quote from you, our client experience team will set up a 30 minute onboarding call to walk you through the Jem  dashboard. The last step is for you to send us your employee data, and we take care of the rest! All of this can be completed within 2 days with about 2 hours worth of input required from you.
How is payslip information protected for employees? A payslip can only be delivered to an employee via their personal cell phone. An employee must first confirm their name, surname, and ID number before they can access their payslip.
How do employers use Jem to deliver payslips to their employees? Every pay cycle the employer either emails the payslips to your dedicated Customer Success Manager or upload them directly to your Jem dashboard. Jem has a sophisticated software that matches the payslip to the correct employee by parsing the ID numbers from each PDF payslip with the corresponding ID number on each employee’s profile to ensure the correct payslip goes to the correct employee.
How does an employer use Jem to communicate with employees? Employers are given secure access to their own dashboard and interface where they can send announcements, polls and surveys. Employees can then view the announcements, polls and surveys sent by the employer via the Jem WhatsApp chatbot.
What data security ensures the safety of our data?

Your data is safe with Jem.

Jem’s data and security is monitored by Drata, a leading US security and compliance platform. This means you can be sure your data is secure with us.

Our data is also hosted by Google Cloud Services using industry-standard encryption. Data is not shared with any 3rd parties and is only used to provide services to your employees via Whatsapp which uses end-to-end encryption. All the above is fully POPIA compliant. Employees are also required to self-authenticate using 2-factor authentication when interacting with Jem for the first time.

How does an employer manage leave balances using Jem? You can upload leave balances and employees can then view leave balances on the Jem WhatsApp chatbot.
How does earned wage access work practically?
  • By contacting Jem though WhatsApp, employees can see their available balance, request an advance, and contact our customer support representatives. 
  • If an employee chooses to take a salary advance, Jem will pay the requested amount directly into the employee's bank account. 
  • At the end of the given pay cycle, Jem shall provide you with: 
    • An reconciliation of all the advances inclusive of a deduction sheet. 
    • An invoice for the amounts advanced and the fees for the services/advances provided.
  • You pay Jem the total advanced amounts, plus the fees, on the same day as your normal pay run.
  • The fees and advanced amounts shall be deducted from the employee's payslip.


Do I need an email address to access my payslip?

No, once your Jem profile is active on WhatsApp, you will receive your payslip via WhatsApp, as they are sent out by your employer.

Can I access my payslip or any company announcement if I don't have WhatsApp? No, you can only access Jem through WhatsApp.
Can I request multiple payslips at once? Yes, depending on what your employer allows, you can access your payslip for the past three months.
How much does it cost to use Jem? Accessing payslips, leave, and announcements through Jem is free for employees. For earned wage access, a same-day withdrawal costs R6 PLUS 3.5% of the amount withdrawn, per withdrawal. For an instant advance, the cost is R25 PLUS 3.5% of the amount withdrawn, per withdrawal.
For earned wage access withdrawals, can I get paid into any bank account? No. The money will only be paid into the bank account your employer pays your salary into.
For earned wage access withdrawals, how long does it take to get the money? Standard payments take up to 1 business day to reflect in your account. Faster payments take a few hours to reflect in your account.
What is my password to access my payslip? Your password is your ID number.
Does Jem offer loans?

Jem does not offer loans. We offer you access to some of your earned-but-unpaid salary before payday.

I do not have a mobile device to request an advance, what do I do now?

You can request an advance via our USSD line *120*20030#

The cost is 40c per 20 seconds.

You can also contact our customer support line on 087 058 0944.

How can I update my mobile number on my profile? Once you've switched your number on WhatsApp, send "Hi" to our WhatsApp chatbot on 079 244 7062 and follow the prompts."